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  News - Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai Maharashtra India
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Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital
'Celebrating the Spirit of Endurance', Bypass Enroute to half marathon
Date : - 21/01/2008
Mumbai:When 50-year old PVenkatraman reached the finish line of the half marathon on sunday, he had marked a milestone in optimism.A heart patient, Venkartraman showed that a bypass surgery need't be a reason to sheift gears and veer into the slow lane.He finished the 21-km stretch in an impressive 3hours, 8 minutes,proving that a bit of perseverance coupled with proper treatment and physical training could see a heart patient lead a near-normal existence."I wanted to change the common perception that heart patient can't ever resume their usual life,"Venkatraman told TOL soon after he completed the half marathon on sunday.A chartered accountant , Venkatraman was always one for fitness.He was part of a group of residents who parctised at MIG club(Bandra)under the banner, Topgear MIG.He underwent a bypass surgery at Asian Heart institute in February after suffering a triple heart vessel disease."I Slowly got back into an active lifestyle,"he recalls.After signing up for a cardiac rehabilitation programme at the hospital and reumimg early morning exercises ,he started preparing for the marathon four months ago with a range of activities from cardioweights to running .On sunday he ran along with 22 friends.Venkatraman's case is a message worth spreading, says his cardiac surgeon Dr Ramakant Panda,who points out that in india, people feel that heart disease means life is over."Even the family pressurises patients to avoid doing things.Many leave their jobs,if diet and exercise are maintained, a patient is as normal as any other,"says Dr Panda.
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